
We have worked with interior designers and have made individual furniture for their design progects from 2017. We have done all that projects in the highest level of quality in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. During this time we have assembled an excellent team of people who love their job.

In the process we realized that we wanted to offer the furniture market something new, not inferior either in design, or in quality, or in materials used to European colleagues.

We are against copying products, and the mission of our team is to develop product design.

BINO HOME is a minimalist modern furniture made by the best masters of St. Petersburg.


Москва, Шелепихинская наб., 34, корп. 2, Москва (этаж 2)

Phone: +7 (499) 341-33-55
Adress: 123290, Russia, Москва, Шелепихинская наб., 34, корп. 2

Phone:+7 812 408 33 55
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